Okay, so since I am total fail at keeping up on this blogging stuff I thought I would try something new and that is just doing a kind of recap of the month. Hopefully this will get me going on this thing here. The only bad thing about this is that it will be pic heavy…
So, October. Wow, come and gone. I cannot believe how fast time is just passing by. I cannot believe the holidays are here. I am not looking forward to them. This is the 1st time in my life that I wished they would hurry up and come and go. It is hard knowing that there will be a huge presence missing this year. I mean, Halloween was bad so I can only imagine how Thanksgiving and Christmas are going to be without Tommy. I just want to get through the "firsts" of everything right now.
So there was a little bit of fun going on this month. Getting ready for Halloween was fun. We did the pumpkin patch thing. Cathy had a blast both at school and trick-or-treating. She made out like a bandit with tons of candy. She looked so cute.
This is from our Pumpkin Patch excursion…
She also had her 1st social function. She was invited to my cousin's daughter, Victoria's, 4th birthday party. Halloween themed. She did really good. She was really shy though. She is not used to attending things like this. But like my aunt said, with our family, that is not going to last very long. She will get the hang of the social life really quick. Lol…
Here she is dressed as "Batterina" for her DayCare party. I love this costume.
And here she is for her 1st time Trick-O-Treating.
And her loot.
So, let me see. I was able to enjoy some adult fun on Halloween weekend. Me, MaryAnn and Jesse went to a Halloween party that was given by my friend Suki from high school. I almost was going to back out and stay home, especially when Cathy was at the door with my mom waving bye to me and trying her hardest not to cry. But I am glad that I went. This is the 1st time we have done anything like this since Tommy left us. We definitely needed it. It was so good meeting up with all my old friends from school.
Also, weird as it was, a friend of mine that I hadn't seen in ages was there as Janie's date. His name was David and we used to talk a lot in like 10th grade. We were together for a bit but nothing came out of it. The timing was always wrong. My friend Mona, his cousin, was always trying to get us together. Anyways, when I was introduced to him he had a mask on so I didn't know it was him but it was weird when he shook my hand and held on to it and just by his body language it was like, "okay, you can let go of my hand now and do I know you or what?" He took off his mask and I kinda just looked at him not registering who he was right away. Then after a bit it hit me who he was. After a bit he looked at me and asked if I remembered him. I started laughing and got up and we hugged. So we talked the whole night and we ended up taking him home. The 4 of us went out to get something to eat 1st. We exchanged numbers and have talked a few times since. Whether this will go anywhere I have no idea. But it was fun and it definitely has been a while.
Now the ironic thing here to me was that here was this person from my past, possibly with a future as friends or whatever and then all of a sudden I get smacked in the face with a blast from my past when my ex's nephew Isaac came up to me. I could not believe he was there. He gave me a big ol' hug. It was so weird. But he has always treated me the same and always called me Aunt Julie.
Well, as for the knitting front, I have been doing a bit since I have more free time now that I am not working. Well I am working but as an Independent Contractor so I do not have set hours. I was in 3 swaps this month. NEVER AGAIN….and tried to join some KALs. I was so bummed with 1 of them. They allowed WIPs so I was determined to finish my Candy Corn Boo Socks for Halloween. I almost made it too. When I got to the 2nd sock and completed the short-row heel (WHICH I HATE WRAPS) and began the cuff, I thought the sock looked different so compared it to the completed 1. Well, they were not the same size. The 1 I was working on was smaller. Ugh….I transposed my numbers on the pattern/chart and did 2 repeats of the pattern on the foot portion instead of 3. So, those will remain in the WIP bin for probably another year…lol.
I have been hooked on making a lot of Rebecca Danger's patterns. I love making these little monsters and critters.
So with the holidays approaching and the lack of a "real" job, I am determined to finish up quite a few of WIPs as they will definitely be used for Christmas gifts.
Well, that is it for now. I will talk to you all hopefully at the end of the month.
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