Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Today is a very sad day for me. I had to put down my beloved Nester. This was a lot harder than I ever anticipated. He was in my life for 16 years. He brought so much love and joy into my life. He had to have been the best dog ever...he was so good. I know that he is better off now and is no longer suffering and is at peace. I know that he is now running around with his brother Capone and sister Cindi as well as with his cousins Rex and Petey. I am sure he was hoping that this would have happened sooner so that he could be at peace but the selfish part of me just did not want to let him go and I hope he forgives me for wanting him in my life for as long as possible.
Everyone always asks where I got his name from. There is a story to that. My favorite Christmas cartoon is "Nester the Long-Eared Donkey". This is the donkey that carried Mary to the manger. He had long ears and when he would walk he would trip over his ears. When this would happen his mom would say "Ears Nester...." and he would say "Yes, mamma....." and pick up his ears.
I had been wanting to get a puppy for awhile after my poodle Butterscotch ranaway. So Perry and I went to Whitie's Pet Store and there were these adorable cocker spaniels. Of course the one in the back by himself caught my eye. I called him and he got up and walked towards Perry and I and he tripped over his ears...I knew right then and there that I wanted him. Anyways, we left the store. I kept thinking about him and the next day Perry showed up at my work with this precious little black puppy with a big red bow around his neck. I just loved him to pieces and of course named him Nester. He was so smart and cute. He crawled on his belly and he would growl like a little gorilla. He did tricks. He loved getting treats and one day we were sitting in the living room when all of a sudden he dropped a bag of treats at our feet. He taught himself to get into the cupboard and get his bag of treats and bring it to us. So after that all we had to do was say "Nester, go get your treats baby" and he would and bring them to us.
I will never forget the time that he, Cindi and Capone all got out. They just took off running. When I caught up to them the three of them were just walking down VanNess Avenue taking in the sites. I have so many found memories of him. He used to love hearing the piano. When we were living with my sister, he was already old but could still hear a little, and she would play piano for him. He would just lay at her feet and listen to her play. Well, I could go on and on and on but I will keep all those memories in my heart. I miss you Nester and I love you so much. I know you are in a better place. I will NEVER forget you my lil' Boogie you so much, Mom.


Dawn said...


Dawn said...

So sorry Julie, I know he was your baby. ((((hugs))))

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