Friday, October 23, 2009

ME STRESSED.......NEVAHHHH!!! know how I know when I am stressed? When I get stuff like this in the mail within a matter of 2-3 days.....

This first lovely package was from Fresh From the Cauldron...she finally re-opened up her Etsy shop and I could not resist.
The second package was from Sunshine Yarns...I have heard so much about it that I had to see for myself how pretty and soft it was...and I was not disappointed at all..

The third package is from Woolen Mill St Yarns by Christina Marie Potter...I have ordered her stuff before and was happy with it...these colors are awesome, just in time for halloween.

And this last one actually was not in the mail but from Jana's NeedleArt. I loved the scarf that was made with it so I had to buy the yarn to make it...funny how I only went in for a set of needles....

So, that is just this weeks goody least what has been delivered so far. I am expecting one skein from Rainy Days & Wooly Dogs Goth Socks and another package from Sunshine Yarns (four colorways). She is also holding another order for me but she went on vacation to New Zealand and won't be back for three weeks. Oh well, that will give me time to figure out where to put this yarn because I sure haven't been putting it on any needles. I am working on some socks and want to finish them by the end of this month. It is a KAL for GothSock Groupies. It is the first time I have used some of this yarn from my stash and I love it. It is soooo smooshy..

I am making Angee's by Cookie A. I really like her patterns.

And I am trying to finish up my Esme Drop Stitch Scarf. I had to restart it since I lost my first one. Yep, yarn and needles. I do not know where I misplaced it. I was so upset because that was one of the first yarns that I got from FFtC's Twilight Series and it was my favorite. So since her Twilight stuff is on Moratorium until January, I figured I would have to wait. But she had an extra one and let me purchase it....(Shhhh...that is a secret). So while mom was in the hospital I started it again...

So, for the reasons of my stress induced yarn binge, well, my mom was really sick. She was in the hospital for 9 days but was sick two weeks prior to that. We thought it was the flu but turned out to be E-Coli....I could not believe it. The last time she was in the hospital was in 1983. So I pretty much spent all my time at the hospital and then would get home about 9:00 at night and start my shift for the hospital. I was going to bed around 3:30 each night and getting up early to be at the hospital by 8:00 in the morning. We apparently got her to the hospital in the nick of time. They said if we would have waited even a day more that her infection could have turned into sepsis and she most likely would not have survived. That is a scary thought. Fortunately she was strong and healthy and was able to fight this. She is still recovering but getting better and stronger with each day. It was sad because she missed out on her sister's 50th wedding anniversary. They were renewing their vows and my mom was to be the maid of honor since she was for the first time they got married. She brought her dress and everything and it was beautiful. But she could not do it. She felt really bad that we missed out on going too. I finally convinced her that she was being silly and that nothing was more important than her.

So, during all of this I had to put my dog down. I posted about that already. That was so hard. I still miss him but I know he is better off. And work is slow. We got this new voice activated system which is totally awesome. I love it but now we are running out of work and having to be called off early. We are even having to take an extra day off during the week. So I have been short on hours. I do not have vacation or sick leave left because I used it for when my mom was in the hospital. But they are going to start cross-training us on general transcription so that we can help out there and with our other hospitals. It is just a matter of getting trained. I am trying not too worry too much about it but it is hard. I have my other account that I can work more for to compensate for the lost time with my f/t job but the only problem with that is that they do not pay on a regular time frame so I have no idea when I get my checks other than 30 days after I invoice. So that is it in a nutshell. My justification for my yarn could be worse and I could binge on something that is not good for me like booze or food...right?

Well, sorry to have gone on and on and on......but it has been awhile...Take care all.


Dawn said...

I'm drooling all over the laptop! What gorgeous yarns!!! I haven't tried the Sunshine either...really looking at New Moon Alice!:) Very soon NEW MOON whoo hoo! Have you got the soundtrack yet? I don't think its as good as the first...Jimmy hates it and is bummed about it! I love the meadow song though! Take care!

Dawn said...

OMGosh Julie! I'm so sorry about your hours and stuff at work!! That's so stressful! But it is good news that your Mom is doing better little by little. That's a huge blessing, I'm so glad you guys got her in in time!

This has been a pretty sucky year all the way around. Everyone is in my prayers and I know God will provide and give us what we need to make it through. Keep good thoughts and take care of yourself in all of this. Just like you told your Mom, nothing is more important than YOU too. No matter what, what matters is we have you around to love and care about.

Oh, the yarn thing, you gotta let that go! (as she runs and hides her own.....) Just slow down a bit lady! You're by far surpassing me here with all these goodies. Not only in the buying, but the knitting too! I'm supposed to have been at this longer than you! LOL!!! ;O)

((((Big Hugs)))))
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