Monday, July 13, 2009

Summer Days!!!

My sister sent this to me today to cheer me up and boy did it!! I told her it reminded me of her when she was a baby with all that black hair she had.....But it made me laugh.

So let's see what's been going on...I have been in some awful back pain. Had x-rays done today and they were negative which is good and bad. Good because there is no bone damage so my spine is good, bad because now I may have to have an MRI to see if there is a disc bulge or a pinched now it is just wait and see. I have to wait to hear from my doc after he gets the results of my x-rays. Believe me it took every ounce of patience to not print out my report after I typed it and fax it to his office but I didn't think that would be wise.
Well, I am at my sis' house unexpectedly right now. She got a call from her neighbor that Willow had gotten out. So she called me and I had to drive all the way over here. Decided I may as well stay the night instead of driving all the way back home. My BIL is on his way from Hollister to fix their gate so she can't jump it anymore. When I drove in to the neighborhood she was standing on the corner down from their cul-de-sac. She saw my car and recognized it. I called to her and she ran along my car back to their house. She is so silly. I think she jumped the back fence and her collar is missing too....ugh!!!!! Bad Willow....

This is the fence that she manages to clear...with ease.

Now let's see, on to knittning...Well I am squeezing some in here and there..I have to test knits that I am working on...A shrug that is inspired by Alice from Twilight and a scarf inspired by Carlisle from Twilight. I am almost done with MaryAnn's second Monkey sock....I have 2 more pattern repeats on the foot and the toe to go. I am doing it using the Magic Loop method and I love it.

I really can't wait to finish up this sock and go on to more things. This is so addicting and I am surprised at how much I am loving it.

Well, on the work front, it has been busy. However, one of the accounts that I am doing has slowed down a bit which is a blessing. This account stressed me out so bad. So now it leaves me more time to work on another account that I have which is a lot less stressful. For instance, I am done with work so here I am after midnight blogging instead of working..and knitting a bit here and there. I feel this is God's way of telling me to slow down. My levels have been up and down again, I started exercising a little by walking and swimming at my sis' when I stay here. I think the diabetes is starting to have some effects on me now. My hands and feet have been bothering me alot. My fingers are VERY tender. I feel sometimes that I injure a nerve and then my fingers are numb in that spot. My doctor said my long nerves are probably having the effects of the diabetes now. I am freaking out because I would rather loose a foot then my hands or eyesite, then I would not be able to knit anymore. I feel depressed and start wondering and getting angry as to why I had to get this stupid sickness.....Ugh!!! So I am trying really hard to get my sugar levels under control. I am tired of feeling sick and tired all the time. I am going to make it a point to take my meds as instructed, take my vitamins regularly and get more exercise and take time out for me..Wow, didn't mean for this to go on and on and sound so depressing..... So onto happier things, like CHLOE............

This was taken on the 4th of July. She was pouting because she knew we were leaving. She is just too much. She has been sleeping with me lately. It is funny because lately my cats have been wanting out at night and they normally sleep in my room, so I put them out and the first time they did I grabbed her and brought her to bed with me. So now when I go to bed, which is usually about midnight she is already in her bed but she will hear me put the cats out and she sticks her head up and waits for me to call her. Last night the cats went out a little earlier and I left my bedroom door open and I was in my office working. So when I went to bed Chloe was already in my bed curled up in the blankets...It was so cute. I love cuddling with her and waking up with her in the morning all curled up.

Okay, well obviously I am tired and just rambling on and to y'all later and hope you have a great week.


Dawn said...

I don't know why missy, but your blog is taking a long time to load for me lately. I'm hoping this post goes through okay.

Now I'm so worried about you! Please get some books from the library and more info from your doc for your diabetes K? Doesn't the hospital have classes or support groups available? YOu know there has to be a diabetes board on Rav too!??

You need to really start taking better care of YOU!!! :*( I don't want to think of those types of things happening, but prevention is possible so please SLOW DOWN K?

I hope your back pain gets better! It sounds so painful!! When do you get the MRI done?

Keep me posted. I'm keeping my thoughts and prayers surrounding you constantly.

Give that puppy a big hug, and your sis & Mom too!! :O) Miss U all and all the fun in Fresno!

Talk to you soon! Luv, YBF

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