Thursday, March 18, 2010

New Family Members!!!

Well, here are the latest members of my family.....

They are the cutest things...But in reality, I know that I cannot keep them. Momma kitty adopted us after her previous owners abandoned her after they lost their house. They even went to the trouble of removing her collar..ugh...So anyways, we took her in. I knew she was pregnant but didn't think she was this far along. She didn't seem that big. But they made their appearance this past Monday, 03/15/2010. My mom called me at my sis' house frantic because she went to check on her and saw a kitten on the lid of a container and Momma Kitty was laying in her makeshift bed. So I drove like a bat out of you know what to get home. I went in the garage and Momma was still in her bed and the little kitten on the container. My poor mom could not get up the nerve to pick up the kitten so she covered it with a small pillow case. Poor thing was so cold. So I placed him with his momma and then heard another loud cry. Underneath our patio chairs was another kitten just yelling. My mom didn't know it was there. So I gathered him up. I was positive he was not going to make it because of the cold and being on the concrete, he was ice cold and a little stiff. I placed him with his momma. I moved them and got them comfortable and warm in the laundry room and there they stayed. So I went back to my sis' house. The next morning I went back home anticipating finding that the kittens didn't make it, but to my surprise, not only were they alive, cleaned and eating, there was another baby. So she had a total of three. They are so cute. She is a good Momma too. I picked up the one that I was positive was not going to make it and he meowed and then proceeded to hiss. I thought that was so funny. He is definitely a survivor...Now to get homes for them..The light gray and white one already has a home and my sis is thinking seriously of keeping one. She likes the solid black/striped one, that is the one that we shall see what happens.

Things have been busy as usual but I have got some knitting done. Kind of my stress reliever. Well, that is all for now. I am not going to go back and try to play catch up because this will turn into a book. I will just try to be better at keeping up. Hope everyone is doing well. Talk to you all later...: -)


Dawn said...

Such sweet babies!

Dawn said...

How sweet!!! Bet they'll all go to loving homes! :O)

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