Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hello Everyone!!

Well, it sure has been a heck of a long time that I have done any blogging here...I always promise to be better but things just get in the way. So let me see, what has been going on. Hmmm....well, the last I wrote was about the kittens. They are already 1 1/2 months old. Time sure is going by fast. They are so cute and are getting into EVERYTHING!!! They are so funny to watch. Chloe thinks they are toys and wants to play. She gets a little rough sometimes. She tries to roll on them like she does with Daisy and Fuzzy....poor little things, you hear their little cries...And of course I love all three of them...My sister is supposed to take one (she wants the one on the left). The other two, which are girls, I don't know. I may just keep them :-)

As for everything else, I have been doing some knitting. I worked on a test pattern for a sock that is to be used in the Vampire Sock Club that I am part of. It was fun and I loved the way the colors turned out. This was the first time I ever did a test pattern.

I am also in two swaps..One I already finished and sent off. I made a cowl to put in the package. I should have taken a picture of the entire package before I sent off but I forgot.

The second swap I am working on does not have to be sent out until June 1. I am crocheting something for that. What a difference between crocheting and knitting. Knitting takes longer but the patterns/charts are easier to read. Crocheting is faster but the patterns are more confusing at times. I have to pay closer attention to them.

Well, I am posting this contest that I got off of my friend Dawn in TN's blog. It is called Pay it sounds like fun.. So here goes..
Here's the rules copied from Dawn's blog:

"I will send a handmade gift to the first 3 people who leave a comment on my blog requesting to join this Pay It Forward exchange. I don’t know what that gift will be yet and you may not receive it tomorrow or next week, but you will receive it within 365 days, that is my promise! The only thing you have to do in return is pay it forward by making the same promise on your blog."

If you leave a comment, please make sure I can contact you to send you your gift!

Well that is about it for now.....again, I will TRY to be better at keeping posted...take care!


Dawn said...

Okay, those kitties are SO cute but darn! I would've given you mine! They just cost me more $$$$. $85 because they chewed through the phone cord (grrrrr).

Your knitting is fantastic as usual! You should've been doing it your whole life! You're a pro for sure! ;O)

I've got you down for the Pay It Forward! Put the word out on one of the forums you're in. Most forums I belong to have a thread like
"Do you blog?" That's a great way to build traffic!

You're the only one who's signed up for my PIF! So I may have to surprise you a few times! LOL!!

Big Hugs.

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